These strips ran as the back cover of the SELRES_d884eb9a-2ef0-4843-92b9-7492d25a5837TarochSELRES_d884eb9a-2ef0-4843-92b9-7492d25a5837 books. The publications would have a distinctive feel printed in glossy A4 format, vibrant colors on the cover and systematic brown/beige tones and one page comedy routines on the back, as shown here.

The Bloggess is none other than Jenny Lawson, a successful American journalist, author and blogger. An actual real lovely person whom I could say lovely things of forever and ever but will forward you to a link to her Wikipedia page for a list of some of her accomplishments. Her website is really good too.

These were comic book renditions of anecdotes scripted by Clint Green taken off her blog with her consent. She even bought off of me the original artwork.

There again the Taroch books were designed to show diversity, and this was the perfect format to close off the action heavy publication.

Shortly after these were made Jenny was number one on the New York Times bestseller list.

(Love you Jenny!)